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Faith in the future amidst current circumstances isn’t exactly easy.

It’s hard to remember the value of optimism when so much seems so dire.

Perhaps you can’t quite commit to prioritizing joy, even though you know how nourishing it is, even though you know how much it would help.

You’re trying to remain generous and caring, but your own tank is running low.

You want to understand how you can actively contribute to better in the world.

You want to know you’re not alone in better’s pursuit.

You want grace within overwhelm.

You want hope.

Not the kind that bypasses and avoids reality. Not a sugarcoating on the bitter harshnesses of life. Not a sweet story postponing the inevitable.

But grounded, actionable, embodied trust that better is not only possible, but you can be an agent of it.

Last year, Jupiter ended its time in its home of Pisces, something we won’t experience again until 2033. During the final weeks of Jupiter in Pisces, as the Sun flew through Jupiter’s other home of Sagittarius, the live version of BY JOVE! was born.

Now, Jupiter is in Taurus, the earthy home of the fairest planet in our skies, Venus, making this a perfect time to sincerely cultivate not just intellectual understanding of Jupiter, but embodied, generative, and lush understanding.

Jupiter has an astrological reputation tied to keywords like expansion, abundance, and joy. In These Times(TM), these words can feel tarnished & inaccessible.

Fortunately, Jupiter is also more. 

More than acquisitional materialism.

More than Pollyanna optimism.

More than persistent insistence on bypassing difficulty in the pursuit of poorly-defined and ever-elusive “happiness.”

Jupiter is the seed-sower, the root-builder, the encompassing interweaving that shields, supports, & nourishes.

Jupiter is the cosmic chuckle, the gentle giant, the reassuring grin emerging from the gloaming darkness.

Jupiter is the reminder that while all things change, “this too shall pass” is a blessing.

Jupiter is genuine generosity fed by the warmth of gratitude. Jupiter is stabilizing growth. Jupiter is the startling flash of grace, illuminating and alleviating the tempests of mortal life.

As Jupiter teaches:

Jupiter teaches hope.

Imagine how your life would shift if you embodied greater stability, less buffeted by the winds of change, responding to upsets with greater calm, greater grace.

Imagine how it would feel to be buoyantly resilient, to embrace more trust that yes, you & your loved ones can make it through.

Imagine the impact you would have when enacting gracious generosity rooted in heart-centered honesty, giving what you can truly give, no more, no less.

Imagine what it would feel like to move through your days replete with gratitude, actively perceiving & promoting goodness in your life and the lives of those you love.

Imagine trusting your capacity to contribute to the future you ardently desire to see come to pass.

And imagine cultivating all this while guided by Jupiter.


A four part self-guided experience aimed at cultivating direct relationship with our solar system’s Greater Benefic, helping you to become more Jupiterian, increasing Jupiterian qualities & virtues within your life.

BY JOVE! is for you if:

  • You’re ready to spend time & energy getting to know a celestial Person whose presence brings meaning, stability, possibility, wonder, laughter, and beauty into our earthly lives

  • You’re prepared to engage with deep contemplation & self-reflection so that you can cultivate Jupiterian virtues within your self & life

  • You want a grounded, deeply considered, and personally relevant pathway into actionable hope

  • You dream of becoming more generous, gracious, & trusting of the goodness of this world, without dismissing difficulties or sacrificing discernment

  • You yearn for a relational understanding of the planet Jupiter, one that will bolster your astrological awareness in an embodied, connective way

  • You’ve studied astrology for years and have excellent technical know-how, but are still lacking a felt connection with Jupiter

  • You barely know any technical astrology but are fascinated by the planets as Beings and magical Allies

BY JOVE! is *NOT* for you if:

  • Your aim is simply to neatly create clear, concise delineations of Jupiter in the zodiac signs

  • You wish to “harness” the power of Jupiter towards accumulative, “abundant” ends

  • You want an intellectualized overview of what Jupiter “means” or a reference book of mythological associations

While By Jove! will absolutely bring active participants into deeper understanding of & relationship with Jupiter, this is a relational astrology experience, and NOT an intellectually-oriented astrology class.

We begin with a re-introduction to Jupiter, focusing on Jupiter-the-planet, meeting Them as Themself as best we can, unconfined by a singular pantheon or mythological framework, followed by a simple but powerful attunement practice that can be done anywhere, anytime, to truly become in-tune with the generous vibrancy of Jupiter’s energy.

Each subsequent module contains contemplation prompts & embodied activity suggestions centered on deeply (re)considering & cultivating one of four Jupiterian virtues: gratitude, generosity, growth, & grace.

To support your process, there are also

  • guided meditations + transcripts

  • planetary transmissions + transcripts

  • recordings of 5 weekly q&as from the live version, alongside transcripts

  • suggestions for creating & maintaining an altar to accompany your practice

To recap:


BY JOVE! has a standard fee of US$222, with three honor-system sliding scale tiers, and includes:

  • A re-introduction to Jupiter beyond Greco-Roman mythology

  • An attunement practice to deepen resonance with & embodiment of the Jupiterian

  • Four modules of thematic contemplation prompts & embodied activity suggestions

  • Guidance on creating & maintaining a Jupiter altar

  • Five recorded Q&As from the live version to further deepen & clarify

  • Guided meditations & planetary transmissions to enhance personal practice

  • Written transcripts of all audio content

Everything is downloadable for perpetual access & the ability to engage with or without an internet connection.


From self-paced participant & professional astrologer amanda moreno:

I’m no stranger to building relationship with the planets, but for the record — one week into this course and I’m finally making progress with Jupiter. Which has been a *very* fraught relationship. So… thank you!”

From live participant, Amy A.:

“The By Jove container you created has allowed me to process - consciously, viscerally, intimately and at a safe distance - the protective and benefic influence of Jupiter. Your beautiful, artful craft with words has spoken into being a (re)-connection with what has felt lost about gratitude, generosity, growth and grace.

This initiatory experience of relational connection has facilitated deeply-rooted new growth – changing the shape of not only the framework of my spiritual Theory of Being but also, I trust, in my presence and participation in the world.

By Jove has been safely and disruptively generous. A rich, nourishing immersion in Jupiterian qualities, which has offered me a way of embodying and participating in what I give a fuck about.

From my truly grateful, expanding heart, thank you.”

From live participant Steph O.:

I definitely feel a much deeper connection to Jupiter. Contemplating their virtues and understanding them in such a deep way, thanks to Diana's incredibly rich transmissions and offerings, has changed my life, especially my relationships and how I relate to the world/universe in general. I didn't anticipate that they would be so relational!

I really feel like I understand Jupiter's virtues/purview so much better, and especially understand them in a non-capitalist/colonialist way.

My life also seems to have changed at the same time - working to understand and embody generosity myself has somehow opened the floodgates to receiving so much generosity, but not just in the way of people returning the favour, from strangers too!”

From live participant Laurence B-L.:

I do not regret one second to have engaged in By Jove!

Through connecting with Jupiter, I also started connecting with other planets. I am forever grateful to you for that, you opened the doors of my mind and my heart to connect with deities in a way I would never have thought possible.

By Jove was amazing. I want to thank you again for everything that you do. This offering changed my life for the better.


This class was life changing for me and helped set me up for my 2024 theme - Resourcing. As the year has been deeply about growing (specifically, growing pains), this was exactly the medicine I needed.

by popular demand, the self-paced version of BY JOVE! is now indefinitely available for engagement.


Q: How is the content delivered? What kind of engagement do you recommend?

A: All of the BY JOVE! content will be immediately accessible upon registration. I strongly recommend that folks create a weekly time to engage with the content, on either Thursdays (Jupiter’s day) or Sunday evenings (Jupiter’s night). You can spend as much time as you would like with each module. It’s beneficial to do the modules in order!

Q: How serious of an astrology student do I need to be for this? Will this experience be accessible for me if I’m a beginner or often overwhelmed by astrology classes?

A: This offering is NOT a standard astrology class. It is NOT focused on learning things that will immediately translate to delineation, and it is NOT a technique class.

This offering is an EXPERIENCE, with Jupiter at the center. The "content" is aimed at getting you to deeply consider Jupiterian qualities and increase your personal embodiment of Jupiterian virtues. Along the way, you'll come into the first stages of a *relational* understanding of Jupiter -- if you're familiar with the idea of animism, relational astrology is basically that. This way of learning will absolutely improve your astrological delineations if that’s relevant for you, but it is not the core aim.

Q: How much time should I expect to spend on this each week?

A: This totally depends on your level of investment. I can easily imagine someone spending 30-60 minutes on this work every day, or 30 minutes every week.

Additionally, you will have the ability to download all of the content and work through it at your own pace.

Have additional questions? Feel free to submit a Contact form here.


meet your guide

Hi! I’m Diana.

I’m an astrologer deeply invested in falling in love with being human on Earth, and helping others do the same.

I’ve been an invited speaker at the Northwest Astrology Conference for three years in a row; am a repeat guest on The Astrology Podcast; wrote a piece on responsible astrology for WIRED; and helped address Jonathan Van Ness’s curiosity about astrology.

For the curious, I have a Capricorn rising with Sun, Moon, & Mercury in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, and an exalted Jupiter in Cancer in the 7th House.