Image of Jupiter and its moon Io via
At its most basic, astrology is the study of the quality of time. By observing the correlations between earthly events and heavenly motion, humans have created a collection of systems to comprehend meaning with the aid of celestial bodies.
Astrology has an infinite array of uses, but my focus is primarily on natal astrology. The natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment and location of your birth; it serves as a map to your personality, gifts, talents, and challenges. With the help of powerful timing techniques like transits and progressions, the natal chart also serves as a starting point for contextualizing, comprehending, and generatively working with different eras of life.
Natal astrology can support us in an infinite number of ways. A short list:
Understanding our relationship to money
Focusing our work & career efforts in the best possible direction
Navigating romantic relationships
Clarifying our spiritual paths
Releasing shame & fear
Claiming greater agency within our lives
Carving out pathways to reach our potential
Increasing self-compassion
Improving friendships & community relationships
My approach to astrology is both relational and non-pathological. This means that I am uninterested in “fixing” problems, and instead, I am invested in working with you towards greater embodiment of your innate potential & gifts in this world, while simultaneously supporting deeper, broader, & more enchanted relating with the myriad beings who share this cosmos with us.
Most of my studies have been independently-directed. I am a longtime student of Austin Coppock, and have been deeply influenced by the work of Chris Brennan, Demetra George, Mark Jones, Kelly Surtees, and Jessica Lanyadoo. I blend psychological, archetypal, and traditional astrological approaches, and am more interested in finding and telling the story within your chart than in cut-and-dried technical backflips.
"Our session was very grounding -- I have felt less needy for other sources of insight. Diana identified some really hopeful things happening in my chart and was able to express that in such a compelling way that it stuck with me. I will be scheduling a new year meeting -- there is no doubt -- and have passionately promoted working with Diana to others. It feels good when something feels right, without question -- it just does. And that's how working with Diana felt."
- Shannon S., natal astrology & tarot client
All astrology offerings are available over the video-chat platform Zoom. They are automatically recorded for your future reference, and any relevant images will be shared with you via email.
Natal chart readings are the starting point for comprehending your self and your life via the stars. We’ll look at your basic map, the birth chart, plus any astrological transits and other relevant timing techniques, all focused on addressing whatever transition, uncertainty, or life topic you’d like to explore. For those who find such things interesting, sessions may include suggestions for astrological rituals, planetary relationship-building, and remediation. For returning clients, each subsequent natal session allows for increased depth & exploration of your chart, history, & potential.
60 minute full-chart consult - $250 for new clients; $225 for returning clients
A full-chart reading will dive into greater detail, and can be focused on particular topics relevant to your current experiences. We will likely explore past & future influences, too, if time allows.
30 Minute Follow-Up - $90
Follow-up sessions are only valid for clients who have had a reading in the past 12 months; follow-up sessions are meant to clarify or deepen what was addressed during a regular consult, or do a short dive into a specific topic/planet/etc.
formerly known as “Year Ahead"
The Road Ahead looks at the upcoming twists, turns, themes, & scenes along your astrological road, covering as little as one month in high definition and as much as a few decades in broad strokes. We'll look at major themes and particularly-relevant topics, creating poetic protocols to aid navigation based on your natal chart. This is the perfect reading to celebrate your annual solar return (aka birthday!) or to kick off any other “rebirth” moment. This session is open to returning astrology clients, as we will have already established a baseline understanding of your chart.
Please note that this session and all my timing work in general is NOT focused on precise prediction.
The Road Ahead, returning clients only, 60 minutes - $300
This consult looks to your natal Ascendant + Midheaven as a dynamic duo that, along with the rest of your chart, can help you show up for your Work in the world with grace and presence. This session is ideal for folks who are:
already generally aware of what their Work in the world is, and potentially already have an online or IRL presence that helps them attract clients & customers
are in the midst of re-assessing how they present themselves and/or their Work to the world
working on the often-challenging process of cultivating comfort with visibility
navigating the itchy weeds of “branding”
I’ve witnessed this consult assist folks in the midst of career changes & significant promotions; those in the midst of pivoting their small business; those “finally” taking their work seriously enough to invest in coherent branding; trans folks cultivating & curating their transitions; recent PhD graduates grinding through application & interview processes; actors clarifying what kinds of roles are most aligned; artists refining their artistic voice; writers refining their ideal audience; and so much more.
This consult requires you (as well as me!) to engage in homework BEFORE our session, and beyond the usual recording of the session, you’ll receive forever-access to a highly customized vision board.
Work Your Angles, New Clients - $250
Work Your Angles, Returning Clients - $225
As the Greater Benefic & Greater Malefic, Jupiter and Saturn are planets with literal and figurative gravitas. In the aftermath of the initiation of the Age of Air, attending to the dynamics between these two heavy-hitters in individual natal charts can assist us in discerning how we can “think globally, act locally.” All of us carry both vision & constructive potency; by building a bridge between Jupiter & Saturn, we build a bridge to the future.
This consult aims to clarify the personal roles that Jupiter & Saturn play in your own chart, while simultaneously contextualizing your life within the broader context of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle.
Bridging Saturn & Jupiter, New Clients - $250
Bridging Saturn & Jupiter, Returning Clients - $225
Guidelines & policies
My astrological practice, like all of my practices, prioritizes the confidentiality, health, and well-being of my clients.
That means that if a client comes to me with a topic best suited to a different kind of professional, I will refer that client out. Astrology and tarot are not replacements for psychotherapy, professional medical advice, legal counsel, etc. My practice does not engage in firm future prediction or spying on others who are not aware that the reading is taking place. My practice is strictly confidential.
Sessions must be cancelled or rescheduled at least 48 hours before our original scheduled session. Sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours notice forfeit 50% of the session fee; sessions cancelled with more than 48 hours notice will be refunded in full minus 5% to cover processing fees.
No-shows sessions are not eligible for refunds. A session will count as a no-show if the client fails to arrive within 15 minutes for sessions over 60 minutes, or within 10 minutes for sessions under 60 minutes.